
As the Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee of the Chemistry and Biochemistry department at the University of Oregon, Marina has spearheaded a new program called the UO ChemREFS (Resources for Easing Friction and Stress) . The mission of the program is to improve the graduate student experience through the help of ChemREFS graduate students, who are trained on strategies of active listening and are able to identify and handle conflict. This initiative was built and organized in collaboration with colleagues Carl Brozek and John Inglish, Leah O’Brien, Randy Sullivan, and Andrew Carpenter. With the support of the Department and the College of Arts and Sciences, the first cohort of ChemREFS has been trained in Spring 2020. These students will serve as a confidential resource for other chemistry graduate students, while being mentored and supported by faculty during their experience as ChemREFS.
You can find information about the ChemREFS program here ….


Marina has been co-teaching with Andy Marcus an AP-Chemistry class for high school students during furlough days and weekends, as part of the UOCHSS program of the University of Oregon.
Each year the class (40 hours of teaching) has about 20 – 30 high school students.
In 2014 we are taking a break!


Marina is the Academic Director for Chemistry of the TASSEP program at the University of Oregon. The Trans-Atlantic Science Student Exchange Program is a consortium of member universities from the European Union, Canada and the United States. Through strong academic advising by science faculty, who work in close cooperation with their study abroad offices, TASSEP ensures that students are properly advised about course selection and eases the problems of receiving credit for courses taken abroad.