Meetings & Conference organization

Marina organized a number of sessions on polymer dynamics and in honor of Prof. Dieter Richter at the 6th International Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems – Rome, Italy- August 2009, and at the 7th International Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems – Barcelona, Spain- July 2013; Telluride Workshop “Structure and Dynamics of Complex Macromolecular Systems of Biological and Synthetic Origin” July 2012; session on polymer dynamics at APS March Meeting 2012; ACS Symposium on Coarse-Graining and Multiscale Modeling ACS National Meeting Indianapolis, September 2013.


A conference not to miss!

IDMRCS: last one in Barcelona, Spain. Here is the Scientific Committee

Marina with Kia Ngai (what an amazing person!)
Marina with Kia Ngai (what an amazing person!).


PHYS Symposium “Coarse-Graining and Multi-Scale Modeling” at the Fall 2013 ACS National Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana. More here …. Organized with Barbara Capone, University of Vienna.

It was a pleasure to work with Barbara (Prof. Barbara Capone, Department of Physics, University of Vienna):

At each ACS national meeting, the Physical Chemistry Division recognizes the top undergraduate student poster presentations. Here winner Mary Hillegass (University of Chicago) with poster judge Prof. Marina Guenza.



Telluride Workshop “Structure and Dynamics of Complex Macromolecular Systems of Biological and Synthetic Origin” July 2012.